Throughout my education I have always preferred classes like Science or Languages and therefore didn’t take any history beyond the requirements of high school so beginning Dr. Penny Light’s History 1120 course I had almost no background knowledge of Canadian History (or about as little as you can have actually being Canadian). I was extremely worried about being able to get through the course.

As well as not having much background knowledge on the topic this was also my first semester studying at TRU and I have done no prior post-secondary studies before this September. Feeling like a fish out of water, I dove right in.

I am currently working to obtain my bachelor of education here at TRU and history is a must-have. I hope to major in French as it was always my favorite subject and to learn another language fluently is definitely on my bucket list. Both sides of my family has French ancestry so I decided on French as the language.

Although my path of education will unlikely include much more history I do feel that I have gained so much more than I ever could have guessed I would at the beginning of the semester.


Next: Learning to “Do” History